Giving through Donor-Advised Funds

Recommend grants to the Children’s Cancer Center through your donor-advised fund and help us to continue to ensure that families receive essential emotional, financial and educational support.

Three ways to give through a donor-advised fund

If you become a DAF donor, or already are one, there are some ways you can influence the grantmaking process so you have a say in which nonprofit organizations your DAF supports.

Recommend a grant from your DAF through your fund administrator

You can recommend a gift to Children’s Cancer Center by contacting your fund
administrator, or by making a grant recommendation online. Find your fund administrator below.

Set up recurring grants from your DAF

You can set up recurring grants to help sustain the essential mission of the Children’s Cancer Center.
This can be done online or by contacting your fund administrator and choosing your grant frequency.

Name the Children’s Cancer Center as the beneficiary of your DAF

You can help continue the mission of the Children’s Cancer Center after your lifetime by naming us as the beneficiary of your DAF. Simply contact your fund administrator to do so.

What is a donor-advised fund (DAF)?

Donor-advised funds (DAFs) are a type of charitable fund that organizations and individual donors can contribute as a way to benefit philanthropic goals. They provide an immediate tax benefit to you and allow you to recommend grants to your favorite charities.

DAFs are the fastest-growing charitable giving tool in the U.S., providing an easy and tax-advantageous way to support your favorite causes. These charitable accounts empower donors to give as often as they wish to the nonprofits they care about.

DAFs can be a sensible alternative to private foundations, providing flexible giving strategies with minimal overhead for you as a donor.

How do donor-advised funds work?

DAFs are run by third-party organizations, classified as Section 501(c)(3) organizations. These sponsoring organizations are typically community foundations or public charities. However, some large investment firms may also sponsor DAFs, such as Vanguard and Charles Schwab.

You can donate multiple types of assets to a DAF, including cash, real estate, investments or other noncash assets.

When you contribute to a DAF, you donate to the organization sponsoring the donor fund, not to a charity directly. However, donors to DAFs can recommend the money pooled within the donor fund go to particular charitable organizations, as part of their advisory privileges.

The DAF then acts as a charitable giving vehicle for its donors, and each donor can immediately deduct the full amount of the donation from their taxes for the current tax year.

What are the benefits of donor-advised funds?

DAFs are tax-efficient giving accounts and offer many of the same benefits as other philanthropic giving options. Some of these benefits may include:

  • Avoid paying capital gains tax on long-term appreciated assets held for more than a year
  • Get an immediate tax deduction for the full market value of the gift, up to specified limits
  • Easily contribute a wide range of assets
  • Consolidate all your charitable giving
  • Support a charity you believe in through strategic giving over time
  • Create a generational legacy
  • Influence your DAF’s charitable gifts and your investment options, without the effort or funds required to run a private foundation

How do I open a donor-advised fund?

To open a DAF, a donor selects a qualified sponsoring organization or financial institution and puts funds into an account. You can establish a DAF with a number of entities, including community foundations, charities and financial service companies such as Fidelity, Schwab, Vanguard or Bank of America. It is usually best to work with a financial and tax advisor to discuss your philanthropic goals.

Who can open a donor-advised fund?

Any individual, family, company, foundation or other entity can open a DAF account by contributing assets.

How much do I need to open a donor-advised fund account?

The minimum initial contribution depends on the financial institution you choose when opening your DAF account. While some large institutions have very low to no minimums, initial funding requirements for others can range as low as $5,000 to as high as $250,000 to initially open a fund.

Are there minimum payout requirements for my donor-advised fund donation?

A minimum payout is a certain amount of money that certain charitable funds are legally required to pay out to charitable organizations each year. For example, private foundations have to pay out 5% of the fund’s assets to nonprofits each year. DAFs don’t currently have federally imposed minimum payout requirements.

However, as current applicable tax laws may change in the future, it may be helpful to consider how a minimum payout requirement might affect you. It’s also important to note that some financial institutions do require accounts to make at least one grant within established timeframes to maintain their accounts.

Your donor-advised fund grant to the Children’s Cancer Center will make an immediate difference 

See how a grant from your DAF makes an immediate difference for children and families battling pediatric cancer.

The Children’s Cancer Center does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material is prepared and made available to you for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide or be relied upon for tax, legal or accounting advice. You should always consult a tax professional to determine your particular tax benefits that may result from any particular type of gift to charity.