Kids Tales
Read what some of our 1,000+ kids have to say about the Children's Cancer Center.

”“Me love the CCC, the CCC is me Family!”
– Trinity, NeuroblastomaGibsonton, Florida

”“Daddy, they had the best playground EVER. Can we get one of those spinning chairs? We had so much fun and there were other kids that had sick spots like me!”
– Caleb, ATRT of the brainBrandon, Florida

”“I love the CCC because I have so much fun there! I get to play with new friends and toys. I also took music lessons and they help me feel brave!”
– Mathias, LeukemiaTampa, Florida

”“What I love most about the Children's Cancer Center is knowing I have a second family to count on if I ever need anything. My favorite thing to do at the CCC is going to teen groups, where kids around my age get together and do fun activities. Making new friends who have gone through the same battles just like me. Another favorite is going to Camp Good Days, I made new friends from all around the world. Most importantly I am blessed to have the emotional support from the CCC. Thank you Children's Cancer Center for being there throughout my journey.”
– Katie, LeukemiaTampa, Florida

”“The CCC is one of my favorite places in the whole wide world, because when I am there the volunteers always help me do what I want to! I always get to play with the fun toys, and all the other kids are like me and have cancer. I mostly love the toys and playground, oh and the field where I can play soccer and the basketball court is so much fun too! They have all my favorite things there, and I get to dress up and be a princess every time I’m there!”
– Bella, LeukemiaLutz, Florida

Alexander (Papou)
”The CCC is a place where families with cancer can go and be together and it's great because I do lots of fun stuff like arts and craft, dance, drama, ukulele. And the people make you feel really special.”
– Papou, LeukemiaRuskin, Florida

”“My cancer journey has been bitter sweet so far. I say that because of the times when I thought there was no reason to push forward, there was an organization of caring and loving people that reached out to me and offered me an outlet. They gave me something to do and interesting people to meet. They lifted my spirit and recharged me in ways I could not have imagined. They plugged me into as many sporting events as I could handle. It did keep me focused on the fight and my reason to fight, because we all make a difference to someone. The Children’s Cancer Center has been an oasis for me. It’s helped me emotionally, mentally, and gave me purpose beyond my diagnosis. I am eternally in their debt and consider them a part of my family.”
– Zack, Ewing SarcomaZephyrhills, Florida

”“I can be myself at the CCC, when I’m there, nobody cares I don’t have any hair.”
– Bo, Ewing SarcomaTampa, Florida

”“The Toys!”
– Naomi, LeukemiaTarpon Springs, Florida

”“When I am at the CCC, I love to hang out and talk with kids just like me! What I love most about the CCC, is how supportive they are and how much love and positive energy they give out. I love playing with the younger children and helping them feel more comfortable and confident with themselves.”
– Akane, LeukemiaSarasota, Florida
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