Helping Children & Families Cope

The Children’s Cancer Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving children and their families who are battling pediatric cancer or chronic blood disorders with the emotional, financial, and educational support necessary to cope with their life-threatening illness.

Children’s Cancer Center

Our Mission

The Children’s Cancer Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving children and their families who are battling pediatric cancer or chronic blood disorders with emotional, financial, and educational support needed to cope with life-threatening illnesses.

With 30 support programs and services currently helping over 5,000 children and family members, support is offered to all members of the family and is available throughout every step of their difficult journey.

Our Story

Children’s Cancer Center was founded in 1974. Mac and Cecile Burnett, who lost their daughter Helen to leukemia, and Dr. Janifer M. Judisch envisioned an organization that would help alleviate the stress of coping with a child’s life-threatening disease.

The philosophy of our original founders was that when a child is diagnosed, the entire family is really diagnosed. Therefore, our programs and services address the needs of all family members affected.

Learn More About Us

Our 990 Form

See where your donation will go and how we allocate your money. Our 990 form is always available for review from our site.

View Our 990 Form

Our Financial Statements

Review our last two years of financial records as audited by an independent certified public accountant.

View Our Statements

Our Donor Privacy Policy

Your privacy is a priority, and we go to great lengths to protect it.

View Our Privacy Policy

Annual Report

We are excited to announce the release of the Children’s Cancer Center’s 2023/2024 Fiscal Year Annual Report, marking a year of resilience, growth, and new beginnings.

View Our Annual Report

View Family Calendar

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See how your gifts makes an immediate difference in the lives of children and families diagnosed with cancer or chronic blood disorders.


Experience the impact we’re making in children’s lives directly.

See the Center

You’ll discover why kids & families feel amazing in our new building!

Attend an Event

Explore how we put the “fun” back in fundraising events!

Upcoming Annual Events

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Words from Children & Their Families in Our Programs

I loved being able to watch my sister walk through the door and not have to worry about being bald, or walking funny, or being laughed at, or made fun of.

JenBereaved sister of a cancer patient

As a mother and wife, I am very thankful that the CCC realizes the importance of the parent getting time on their own, as well as the parents getting time together to reconnect and let their shoulders down some, and the need for the whole family to get loved on.... When a child is diagnosed , the whole family is diagnosed!

SkylaParents of a cancer patient

The Children’s Cancer Center was a place where Shanella could be with other kids who were on the same journey. Cancer can make you feel isolated and alone, but the CCC gave us hope and a place for Shanella to connect.

Shanella's Family

The Children’s Cancer Center is always putting together fun events for ALL our kids and it lets us spend time together as a family with other families who are going through the same experience.

GingerMom of a cancer patient

Just being able to spend time with other families that are going through the same thing and seeing our son having fun and interacting with other kids without being afraid has helped us get through this diagnosis.

Sandra & SteveParents of a cancer patient

Donate To The Children’s Cancer Center

You can make an immediate and tangible difference in the lives of local children. Every donation helps us improve and expand services to families.

Help us create memorable moments as we live, love, and laugh together.